sâmbătă, 18 iulie 2009

Gandurile unei nopti adormite...

A million souls passed along me today...I just couldn`t reach...

I watched a million faces, I saw a million stories, without telling anyone...just looking through a window...

It`s funny...million people read my story everyday just seeing my face and I can`t stop them, neighter they can stop me...

Most of the time, they see a false mask I put on for the day, but the face shows the feelings of the heart...sometimes I can`t hide my story, maybe I don`t want to!

I couldn`t reach a million souls today, but maybe I reached one...and yesterday two...just by picking the right attitude, the right time to smile or just the right part of the story...

Din nou copil...

Am inceput sa citesc un blog care ma face sa imi amintesc de copilarie...credeam ca am ingropat-o destul de bine incat numai eu sa o revad cand am nevoie...mi-am amitit de asta cand am vazut ceva ce scrisese, afirmatie pe care am facut-o si eu odata, poate cu alte cuvinte: "nu vezi ca in lumea asta nu e loc de romantici? lumea vrea doar ratiune. nu vezi ca lumea nu vrea sa mai iubeasca ci doar sa vorbeasca despre iubire?" 

Cand eram mica ma uitam la adulti si ma intrebam ca de ce nu pot sa fac lucrurile cu un zambet pe buze si fara stres? Nu intelegeam ca au ingropat prea adanc copilaria ca sa mai poata visa...

De cand am impachetat copilaria am uitat sa zambesc....

E asa de dureros sa faci lucrurile doar ca sa le faci...sa te grabesti sa iti termini toate responsabilitatile pentru ca nu ai timp, cand defapt, ai tot timpul din lume.

Eu a trebuit sa parasesc copilaria fortat, a fost o lupta de un an si ceva, dar pe drum am pierdut multe si tare as vrea sa le recuperez cumva. Nu mai pot fi la fel de spontana, nu mai pot rade din orice, nu ma mai pot bucura de lucrurile din jur...si cu ce folos?

E bine sa fii matur si responsabil...dar sa nu uiti sa fii copil..."caci Imparatia cerurilor este a unora ca ei"

vineri, 17 iulie 2009


I stood there wondering why the world is round, why did I ended up beeing a girl, why was I born in the first place, no one seemed to want me anyway...and as I looked at the landscape I saw outside the window with my knees tight to my chest, a stange question came in my mind...I lifted my head up and looked lost at the wall in front of me...

"Am I saved?" I wispered...

"Of course you are! You go to church, you go on a mission with the youth, you`ve been baptised! How can`t you be saved?"

"No...I mean: am I really saved?
Salvation is not about going to church, even the evil one is there, is not about knowing the Bible, even the devil knows it, better than I...Salvation is about practicing the Bible, telling others about Jesus, not because you have to, not because you are afraid you won`t go to heaven if you don`t, but because you love others...it`s not enough to believe in Jesus to be saved, even the devil believes and he is terrified.
It`s not enough to be baptised, even if all of these are necessary! Baptism is the covenant that you will live like Jesus! "Whoever claims to live in Him must walk like Jesus did" (1John2:6)
Beeing saved means that the Spirit of God is the one which leads your life. Is the Holly Spirit the leader of your life?"
....I stood there quietly, and after a great strugle, God showed me I was saved...but not before I took a big test.
But what about you? Are you saved?

marți, 14 iulie 2009

Copilarie-n versuri...

Iti mai aduci aminte de vremile trecute
Cand la bunici tu te jucai prin curte?
Si prieteni iti faceai doar impartind o jucarie...
Cautai prin nisipuri, un ciob de sticla ti-era bijuterie.

Tu luai orice lucru vechi, nefolosit
Il transformai in opere de arta,
Faceai mancare din frunze, apa si nisip
Stateai pana tarziu jucandu-te afara...

Ti-a fost vreodata dor de mama mangaindu-ti chipul?
De frati si de bunici ce tachinau mica fiinta
De noile-achizitii ce-ti dadeau un nou stimul
De monstrii din dulap ce-i infrangeai cu biruinta?

Ti-a fost vreodata dor de prajiturile de-acasa?
Cand lingeai oale si vroiai sa faci tu crema
Si cand te-ardeai la aragaz si brusc primeai pedeapsa,
Dar te uitai plangand la mama si ea pupa bubita...si erai bucuroasa!

Oh tu copilarie, ce-ti pierzi vremea revenind?
Nu ma-nneca in amintiri desarte
Caci sunt adultul responsabil devenind...
Dar atat de mult ma-mbii cu ale tale soapte

As vrea sa joc iar in nisip castelul fermecat
Sa fug, sa ma invart pana in iarba cad
Sa decorez o casa din mobilier din lut
S-o vad iarasi pe mama, sa simt golul umplut...

Dar maturitatea a venit de mult...
Copilarie draga, curand n-am sa te uit!