vineri, 20 ianuarie 2012

Nu exista atei in ¨situatii limita¨

¨Pe cand eram intr-o inchisoare, un ofiter inarmat cu un baston de cauciuc m-a amenintat:

- Sa nu cumva sa indraznesti sa mai vorbesti despre Dumnezeu in celula, ca o patesti. Ce dovada ai ca Dumnezeu exista? Am raspuns:

- Este greu sa aduci o dovada unui om cu bata in mana. Bata poate sparge capul ce contine dovezile. Insa dati-mi voie sa va pun o intrebare: am cunoscut personal nenumarati atei care in ceasul mortii au regretat ca nu au crezut si s-au pocait. In ultima clipa ei au strigat ¨Isus¨ sau ¨Maica Domnului¨. Va puteti imagina un credincios murind cu regretul ca a crezut si implorand: ¨Darwin!...Marx!...Voltaire!...Veniti si eliberati-ma de credinta?¨

Omul este condus de propriile lui ganduri. Dar in care din acestea te poti increde? Ca orice altceva, gandirea trece prin susuri si josuri. Uneori suntem pe culmi, alteori in adancuri. Putem avea incredere in gandire doar atunci cand se afla in plin apogeu. Asta se intampla in ¨situatii limita¨, cum le numeste filosoful german Jaspers, cand sufletul este extaziat la vederea frumusetii sau cand este in cautarea presanta a unei solutii in momente de mare pericol, ca acela cand trece intr-o lume necunoscuta.

In astfel de momente nu exista atei. Omul este cuprins de teama cand i se apropie ceasul mortii. Se afla la poarta marelui mister. Credinciosii nu parasesc credinta intr-un astfel de moment, dar ateii renunta deseori la necredinta lor, pentru ca normal este sa crezi.

In ziua aceea am scapat nebatut.¨

(Richard Wurmbrand- ¨Dovezi ale existentei lui Dumnezeu¨

miercuri, 11 ianuarie 2012

Why I hate religion, but love Jesus

Am gasit asta la cineva pe facebook si chiar am vrut sa dau share.

Note to self: I really have to work on many aspects of the Christianity I claim to practice. Many times I just practice a religion instead of being a real Christian!! And I really believe this guy is so right in what he is saying!

luni, 9 ianuarie 2012

What about joy?

I simply adore preaches. It's likely that I have a few favorite preachers, but some simply surprise me! And I don't think that the surprise comes from them...I think it comes from God. He likes to surprise us.
He always answers when we have an open heart  to listen to what He has to say to us. And I feel so blind sometimes...I let blindness cover me so much that I forget to open my heart.
I live my life, I do things that I think are good, but I forget doing them with joy in my heart and today God reminded me of that. He says through Paul: "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4
It's a verse a friend of mine always told me. It's a verse I always see in the Bible, and I hope I learn to do it. To rejoice is a command here.

How much better is the life of he who rejoices. He does all things to praise God and only Him. He does things with hope, He doesn't mind if the circumstances are bad, he knows he can learn a lot of lessons from the circumstances.

I also remembered this verse during the preach:

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its works so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" James 1:2-4

Rejoice! Rejoice! What a hard lesson, but once you learn it is so fulfilling!