duminică, 2 noiembrie 2008

"Why are you clapping about?...I`m talking about you!!!"

I feel so miserable.....I was sitting here talking to God about all the wrong stuff that happen in my life...and I soon realised that I am not what my Father wants me to be....I read in my Bible this verse:"Sfasiati-va inimile, nu hainele si intoarceti-va la Domnul, Dumnezeul vostru. Caci El este milostiv si plin de indurare, indelung rabdator si bogat in bunatate, si-I pare rau de relele pe care le trimite."...I am a filthy rag, full of sin, I am so broken inside that right now I feel like I am in a land far away from here.....the problem is that I know that God can forgive me, but I can`t forgive myself for coming to Him asking forgiveness for the same stupid mistake a make each day and each second of my filthy life:((....God also said: "Te iubesc cu o iubire vesnica, deaceea iti pastrez bunatatea mea..." and because He loves me so much, and because He promised, I know He allready forgived me for all my stupid mistakes....but I`m so selfish sometimes and so bad. I`m such a loud mouth and I don`t practice God`s Word....do you know what my problem is? I know many things, I know that God has a plan for my life, but the problem is that I know I won`t do anything because I am not listening to Him, to His sweet voice...
Eu stiu ca Tu poti ierta si cel mai mare pacatos...nu ma indoiesc de asta....insa eu nu ma pot ierta pe mine...
Mi-e asa de greu sa cred ca o pot lua de la capat...am luat-o de atatea ori si....tot aici am ajuns. Oare nu o sa ajung din nou si din nou tot in acelasi loc? Cu ce e mai speciala data asta?
Tot imi pare rau, tot vreau sa o iau de la capat. Asa am vrut si pana acuma...dar nu tot aici am ajuns?
Domnul meu totul trebuie sa porneasca de la mine! Si eu simt ca nu sunt gata sa ma schimb...I`m a filthy rag...and I`m not going to change so easely...I know You have a plan for me...reveal Your plan Lord....I don`t want to do my will anymore....I am ashamed of me:((
Lord...I am so ashamed!!!
P.S. M-a doborat din nou si acuma rade de mine:((

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